Danielle St. Vincent

danielle st vincent“During my freshman year of college I attended the Alternative Spring Break Trip to Guatemala along with 20 other Monmouth students and I can honestly say that after that experience I have never been the same. Traveling to a third world country and witnessing how others who are less fortunate than I live on a daily basis was an eye opener for me. I have never been clueless to the world around me, but after this trip, I have also never been more aware either. Not only did I get to surround myself with the most amazing group of people I have ever met, I also got the chance to learn true values in life like family, friends, and most importantly, my education. On this trip I met some of the poorest people on this earth, yet surprisingly, some of the happiest people on this earth as well. The people I met in Guatemala taught me to live life day by day and to never expect anything more. I also learned how fortunate I am to have an education because that is all the children want there. I learned that the relationships you build with your family and friends is far more important than the money you will make. Overall I feel like I have learned the true values in life.
Upon returning to America after that life changing week, I have made it my goal and my mission to change who I am in everything that I do. I have become far more involved on campus mainly in jobs focusing on the success of first year students, hoping to help them grow as others have helped me. I have also changed my outlook on life. I can honestly say that from this trip I am more aware of my surroundings, and I am more grateful for them as well. I wish that everyone could have the opportunity that I have. Guatemala has changed my life forever and I cannot wait to go back there this coming spring.”

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